Acupuncture is a centuries-old process of inserting small, sterile needles under the skin of the pet into blood vessels and nerve bundles. These tiny needles stimulate these nerves and cause a chemical release in the muscle, brain, and spinal cord which can lead to a healing response. The practice of acupuncture uses the body's chemicals and healing powers for a variety of conditions listed below. Dr. Kellie Horton completed extensive training and experience with veterinary acupuncture and often recommends the practice in conjunction with western methods of medicine. Charleston Mobile Animal Care serves the veterinary acupuncture needs of pets at home in the Charleston, Mount Pleasant, and Sullivan's Island areas of South Carolina.
What conditions can be treated using acupuncture?
Acupuncture can help treat a variety of conditions including:
These are some of the more common issues treated by veterinary acupuncture by Charleston Mobile Animal Care. If your pet is suffering from a condition not listed, please contact one of our caring professionals to see if acupuncture may be right for your pet.
Dr. Kellie Horton brings her compassion and experience to care for each of her patients, just as she would with her pets. Become a part of the Charleston Mobile Animal Care family today, and talk to Dr. Horton to determine if your pet would benefit from acupuncture therapy.
Charleston Mobile Animal Care provides acupuncture services for companion animals, large animals, and small farm animals at your home or farm. Acupuncture is the process of inserting small stainless steel needles in acupoints of an animal, where large amounts of nerve bundles and blood vessels merge. The needles release pain relieving and anti-inflammatory hormones, which allow the animal's body chemicals to relieve pain, and assist in healing wounds.
What are some of the benefits of acupuncture for large animals? Acupuncture has been practiced on animals for thousands of years in China, and this form of medicine has been proven beneficial in the United States as well. There are numerous advantages of acupuncture including;
If you think your large animal or small farm animal may have a condition that might respond to benefit acupuncture therapy, contact Charleston Mobile Animal Care to see if veterinary acupuncture may be effective for them.